
United Vision Fosters Unity and Harmony at Interfaith Iftar Dinner

Helsinki, Finland, May 4, 2024

In a celebration of diversity, unity, and the spirit of Ramadan, the United Vision team, in collaboration with Skysuomi, hosted a heartwarming interfaith iftar dinner. The event, held yesterday, marked a momentous occasion as participants from various backgrounds came together to break fast, share laughter, and forge connections that transcend religious boundaries.

A Tapestry of Flavors and Fellowship

The inaugural organizational dinner, held with love and unity as its guiding principles, was a resounding success. Participants were treated to a feast of diverse flavors, symbolizing the richness of cultures represented. From traditional dishes to modern interpretations, the table was adorned with culinary delights that served as a testament to the power of sharing and camaraderie.

Inspiring Moments of Connection

Beyond the culinary experience, the iftar dinner provided a platform for meaningful connections and heartfelt conversations. Participants, including children who were welcomed as special guests, embraced the opportunity to engage with individuals from different faiths, exchanging stories, and building bridges of understanding.

Hopeful Prayers for the Future

The highlight of the evening was the interfaith prayers, embracing both Islamic and Jewish traditions, which reverberated with messages of hope and unity. As attendees joined in prayer, the atmosphere was filled with a sense of shared purpose and optimism for the projects ahead.

A Testament to Unity and Inclusivity

The spirit of yesterday’s gathering was beautifully encapsulated by the timeless words of Rumi, resonating with the ethos of United Vision: “Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving — it doesn’t matter, ours is not a caravan of despair. Come, even if you have broken your vow a hundred times, come, come again, come.”

The United Vision team extends heartfelt gratitude to all participants for their unwavering support and enthusiasm, reaffirming their commitment to fostering a world where diversity is celebrated, and unity reigns supreme. As the echoes of yesterday’s iftar dinner linger, the organization looks forward to embarking on future endeavors that continue to inspire, uplift, and unite communities worldwide.